Midlife Mojo: Fit and Flourishing In Your 50's

Summer Self-Care plus New Things for Season 2

August 27, 2022 Lisa DuPree Season 2 Episode 1
Midlife Mojo: Fit and Flourishing In Your 50's
Summer Self-Care plus New Things for Season 2
Show Notes Transcript

Midlife Mojo is back for Season 2!  Today’s episode is an update from host, Lisa DuPree, on what she did during her “summer of self-care” and things to consider for using these ideas to incorporate into your own self-care. Lisa also talks about the new and exciting changes for the podcast this season.   

If you have a topic you’d like covered or a question you’d like answered on the podcast related to midlife health, fitness or wellness, email lisa@lisadupreecoaching.com or message Lisa on Instagram - @lisadupreecoaching.

Subscribe or follow to know when new episodes of the Midlife Mojo podcast are live.  Until next time, get out there and keep your mojo rising!

Get the free “Refresh from Stress” resource download  that includes 7 simple, effective strategies to build physical, emotional and mental resilience along with prompts to personalize the strategies for your current situation.   

Instagram - @lisadupreecoaching

Email  - lisa@lisadupreecoaching.com

Website - http://www.lisadupreecoaching.com 


Thanks for listening!

Follow Lisa on Instagram or visit her website - Lisa DuPree Coaching.

Need new strategies for boosting physical, mental and emotional resilience, download your free Refresh From Stress guide.

To help you set positive, motivating goals you are excited about, get this free Goal Setting for Success worksheet

Hello hello! I am excited to be back for season 2 of Midlife Mojo after a summer break!  The past couple of months I’ve been enjoying what I have termed “the summer of self-care”. 

I decided to take several weeks off to have the space to refresh and recharge. Basically, to not only talk the talk but walk the walk as a health and fitness expert. 

It took about a week or so to be able to unwind enough to get out of “work” mode, to embrace being in vacation mode and prioritize self-care. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to try some new things as well as to have the time and space to do a whole bunch of nothing - just going with the flow and chilling out.  

I was able to spend time in my happy place at the beach, I learned to jet ski on a sit down ski and I am still trying to get the hang of a stand-up ski - which is challenging and mostly involves me falling off into the water more than actually being up on the jet ski. Learning to do new things, trying out new things is one way to get out of a rut and re-energize.  

I was able to focus on exercising more and am so excited to be back dancing after a couple years of not being able to. Dancing is something that I know that I need in my life to feel truly grounded and joyful. I joined a performance group - we are practicing every week for a piece that consists of several Latin dances - it’s part Bachata, part salsa and part reggaeton. It’s so cool to look forward to practice every week and to be able to dance with a new group of people.  What kind of movement or activities bring you joy and allow you to feel grounded or centered? 

I cooked and ate at home more, even made yogurt from scratch (which my daughter called a science experiment (which is fair), I learned how to make pickled onions - they are delicious. I use red onions and they turn this beautiful, vibrant pink color.  They are fantastic on most anything, especially if you need a touch of acid to brighten up a dish.

Also, I started batch cooking because I've finally accepted that meal planning is not my thing. I know it's a big thing nowadays in the health and wellness arena, but it is not a thing I can do consistently. Mostly because when I plan a weeks worth of meals out Sunday by the time it gets to Tuesday night, I really don’t want whatever meal that is on the plan and we just end up going out to eat. By batch cooking a bunch of individual ingredients on Sunday instead, I don't have to cook every night and I can actually eat more of what I need to be able to continue to build muscle - that's been one of my goals for the past year - so then basically every night is like that the cooking show on the Food Channel called “Chopped”.  Where all the competitors get a basket with different foods and they have like 20 minutes to cook an entree that uses all the ingredients.  I approach my refrigerator like a big chopped basket.  It’s a creative exercise to put the available ingredients together into a tasty meal.  I typically cook batches of quinoa, brown rice, chicken, turkey,  different roasted vegetables, maybe some sweet potato - things like that and then it's all in the fridge. Then I can easily put together a variety of dishes like taco bowls, some Mediterranean-type meals by adding some store bought hummus or baba ghanoush and making tabbouleh with the quinoa, or pull together a quick stir-fry - that kind of thing.  

Also, this summer, my daughter moved out of the house into a condo - hello empty nest!  That transition inspired me to re-orient key spaces in my house, clear out clutter and decorate a little bit.  There were so many things that were just taking up space, gathering dust and sucking up my energy. It has been freeing to clean out and just keep the things that I need.  Are there areas of your home that could use some attention to make them more inviting and calming? 

I also read several books and took lots of naps!  The result - I am refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to go for season 2! 

Part of clearing out and making space for things that add value made me take a hard look at how I'm spending my time. I really love the creative outlet of the podcast and I decided that I’m going to change things up a bit - the first change is to put out new episodes monthly with occasional bonus episodes instead of episodes every other week.  Some other changes with the podcast that I am excited about bringing you are different types of episodes.  I’ll be changing things up by having some longer episodes featuring guest interviews as well as hitting on topics that you’ve asked for more information on like weight loss, cardiovascular fitness, cooking healthy meals and more ways to deal positively with stress. I’ll also be adding in some shorter episodes, like mini-classes and answering listeners questions. 

If you have questions you’d like me to answer related to midlife health, fitness or wellness, send them to me at lisa@lisadupreecoaching.com or message me on Instagram at lisadupreecoaching.  

I’m looking forward to bringing you many interesting and informative episodes very soon!  Bye for now!  

Get your
free “Refresh from Stress” resource download that includes 7 simple, effective strategies to build physical, emotional and mental resilience along with prompts to personalize the strategies for your current situation.  Link to download:  https://mailchi.mp/e5c54644c30c/rfs